The Big Three Pests of Apple Trees

Most fruit trees are susceptible to various pests. Some of these insects and invertebrates serve as little more than a minor nuisance, while others can ruin a whole crop – some may even weaken the trees themselves. Some species, varieties,…

Mealybugs (and scale insects in general) can be pests of the garden, if their numbers grow to uncontrollable levels, since they feed off plant sap like mosquitoes do to humans. Mealybugs are actually very closely related to scale insects, but…
How to get rid of slugs in the garden

Garden slugs can be one of the most notorious pests of the garden, destroying plants, and anything they find remotely edible, even the letters in your postbox can end up as slug (or snail) chow. Slugs and snails are related;…
When does a garden pest become a pest?

Our garden space is shared with all kinds of denizens, mostly of the smaller kind. These friendly neighborhood admirers of our gardens stake out a place in our gardens unbeknownst to us during the night while we sleep; even during…