Fruit trees are not only beautiful additions to your yard, they can provide you with a delicious fruit crop each year. But in order to enjoy such a bounty, you…
Shrubs (also called bushes) are anything woody that is smaller than a tree, and which develop multiple stems from near the base itself. Shrubs also have soft wood, which thickens…
Butterflies are always a welcome attraction for any garden. Especially in spring, the sight of many butterflies flitting from flower to flower just conjures up visions of a reborn Garden…
If you’re totally new to garden/lawn sprinklers, then you may not understand much of what is written on this website about sprinklers in the other sections. So, for all the…
Vines are a great way to decorate the garden, being low maintenance and hardy. Vines are good for decorating fences, pergolas, trees, or separators, but choosing the right vine is…
Bonsai is an ancient East Asian art form, but has now grown to encompass a worldwide following. This is a true gardening art form, because in order to make bonsai…
There are many benefits in having a water garden. A water garden is a garden with a pond, and they are common features of Zen ornamental gardens. Having a pond…
After a long and deary winter, have you contemplated having your own spring garden? But the problem is you don’t know how to care for, let alone start your own…