Basic September Gardening Tasks to Remember

For gardeners, September is potentially a very important month as the late summer heat transitions to the relatively cooler days of autumn. A time to get your garden ready for the coming months, caring for your plants, and transforming with…
5 Pro Tips for January Gardening – Simplified

Did you know there are around 18.3 million US households doing full-fledged gardening? This shows the widespread popularity of gardening and how it has easily become a favorite activity, especially during the pandemic era. However, gardening requires constant effort and…
Winter Vegetable Gardening Methods

It’s possible to keep fresh food growing year-round in an indoor or outdoor garden. The climate you live in will dictate what type of winter gardening method you will need to use. Enjoy fresh cool-season vegetables fresh from your garden…
Shrubs for spring

Spring is here again, although it doesn’t look like it still, what with a wintry spell still lingering in some parts of the Northern Hemisphere. Nonetheless, for gardeners, this is the time to start getting their hands dirty again in…
Winter protection for shrubs and plants

Harsh winters often take their toll on many tender plants. Frost is the main killer, but constant exposure to sub-zero temperatures can also damage all but the hardiest of plants. However, the gardener can do some things to help them…
Easy spring gardening tips to get started with

After a long and deary winter, have you contemplated having your own spring garden? But the problem is you don’t know how to care for, let alone start your own spring garden. For new gardeners, the problem is getting started.…
Winter Aconite and other blooms for March

In temperate countries in the northern hemisphere, March is that time of the year when spring rouses from the slumber of winter, but it’s still not quite the time when you can predict the weather at all. In fact, you…