How about birdbaths for your garden?

Having birdbaths (or bird baths) can liven up your garden or backyard by naturally drawing our feathered friends in for daily visits. If you like birds in your garden, than do consider bird baths, because birds generally have this habit…
An Introduction to Flood and Drain Hydroponics

In hydroponics, there are a number of systems that have become well known. One of these hydroponics systems is the Flood and Drain system, or otherwise known as the Ebb and Flow hydroponic system. This article is an introduction to…
Why not get yourself a backyard fountain?

Adding a backyard fountain makes a good adjunct to any backyard landscaping design concept. If your backyard design concept is centered on a “rest and relaxation” theme, a fountain should at least feature in the works. And don’t worry about…
Some backyard landscaping ideas

When people mention the word “backyard,” they mean the portion of the garden that is reserved for family and close friends. It’s the space for quiet reflection and more often than not, houses the family vegetable plot! But if you…
The Zen garden’s mystique

Japan has a rich culture and tradition which draws deeply upon imported, and later on, assimilated Buddhist beliefs and culture. The form of Buddhism known as Zen Buddhism took root in Japan during the Middle Ages and flourished thereafter. Zen…
An Introduction to Hydroponic Gardening

Hydroponic gardening (or hydroponics for short) is the system of growing plants with just mineral-rich solutions instead of using soil. It is a system that is getting more recognition as being a safe, productive, and land resource conservation method. Due…
Finding a good location for your fruit tree

For fruit trees, the first step in successfully growing them is to survey a good location for them because as trees, unearthing and changing their location after planting them, will kill them more often than not. Well, first things first.…
When does a garden pest become a pest?

Our garden space is shared with all kinds of denizens, mostly of the smaller kind. These friendly neighborhood admirers of our gardens stake out a place in our gardens unbeknownst to us during the night while we sleep; even during…
Home vegetable gardening requisites

The properly maintained home vegetable garden will not only provide supplemental food for you and your family’s needs, but will also turn out to be the place where you can unwind and find yourself in closer harmony with the Earth.…
Gardening gloves

One of the enjoyable things about gardening is the chance to feel the warm, moist earth in your hands, and smelling the rich dark earth while you handle the roots of plants, herbs and the like; the less fortunate city…